A Spiritual Direction Session

What is spiritual direction?

Spiritual direction, also known as spiritual companioning, is an ancient spiritual art practiced by many cultures throughout history, of bearing witness to the mystery present in another person's journey. In a spiritual direction session or series of sessions, that person explores meaningful connections in their life and through the spiritual direction conversation may find ways to practice those meaningful connections in their life.

For me personally? Spiritual direction is the privilege and the practice of bearing witness to the mystery unfolding in another person’s life.

The poet, David Whyte, says of friendship what mirrors very powerfully spiritual companionship:

The ultimate touchstone of friendship is not improvement, neither of the other nor of the self, the ultimate touchstone is witness, the privilege of having been seen by someone and the equal privilege of being granted the sight of the essence of another, to have walked with them and to have believed in them, and sometimes just to have accompanied them for however brief a span, on a journey impossible to accomplish alone.

David Whyte, Readers' Circle Essay, "Friendship"

A spiritual direction session takes place once a month through a zoom call (or physically in the same room if you are local to me) that lasts for about an hour. Together we establish sacred space, and the person who comes for the session brings into that conversation something that is arising in their life that they want to explore more deeply. It could be a relationship, a situation at work, a dream (both the kind that happen when we are asleep and the kind that we are formulating for ourselves when we are awake), a set of feelings, a question or curiosity about something, and, well, you get the point. The person brings in something from their life, talks about what that is meaning for them, and I listen. I listen not only to what the person is telling me, but for places in that telling where Spirit may be showing up. I may reflect back what I've heard, what I haven't heard, and I may have a question or two.  All of this is held in this sacred space in a way that allows the person who comes to the session to perceive more deeply how Spirit is moving and what is emerging from their heart, from their core connections. 

Find Another Spiritual Director

Finding the right match in a spiritual director is important. After reading through my material here, if it feels like we might not be a good match, here are some of my colleagues who are also spiritual directors. Have a look at their websites. When you are not sure about a spiritual director, it can be good to schedule intro sessions with several of us so that you have first hand experience to work from in making your decisions. Many of us offer those intro sessions free of charge. 

Angie Andriot

Tracy Johnson

Van(essa) Hurst

Jeffrey Keefer

M Barclay

Mason Davenport

Sionainn McLean

Valerie Freseman

Rev. Chris Rothbauer

Lilliana Arrington

Mary Campbell

Rachel Wade-Harper

Sarah Moldenauer-Salazar